There’s no doubt that the past year has been challenging, with serious workplace upheaval thanks to COVID-19. As a result, integrity management now...
Following our procurement of Phillip’s 66 on-premise solution, we’ve been busy migrating it to the Microsoft Cloud in preparation for our Private...
For pipeline operators in a race against integrity threats, there’s no time to get stalled in neutral.
More than a decade in the making, the new Department of Transportation (DOT) mega rule— Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 49, Part 191 and...
Even when the world is at a standstill, operators can’t put pipeline safety on hold. There’s too much riding on it.
Everyone in our business knows—or ought to know—about the pipeline maintenance crisis that puts billions of dollars, lives, property, and the...
This week we officially released Cognitive Integrity Management™ 3.0, (“CIM 3.0”), which was developed under the product codename Polaris. The...
During our time in the Microsoft Accelerator, Data Science, and Machine Learning cohort, we interviewed a few folks working in integrity management...
If you have ever looked through 20 years of inline inspection tally sheets, you will understand why it takes a machine learning technique (e.g....
It seems that every time an article or presentation is published highlighting some fancy new improvement to oil & gas pipeline integrity management...