Risk Management
How CIM Helps Pipeline Operators Manage Pipeline Risk
Apply industry-leading risk assessment methodologies to analyze and quantify risk within a platform that provides business intelligence dashboards and predictive analytics.
Leverage C-FER Risk Expertise
C-FER is widely considered a leading industry expert regarding pipeline risk assessment. The C-FER risk models are embedded within CIM’s Risk Management module and make use of the data already available within CIM. Results returned by C-FER’s risk model have been used as the basis for regulatory submissions and audits in the US and Canada, allowing operators to show their risk models as objective proof of pipeline safety.
Verified Risk Models
CIM makes use of two types of risk models: reliability-based and historical-based models to determine the probability of failure (PoF) for the 9 industry standard pipeline threats per ASME B31.8S and CSA Z662
Quantitative Outputs
The risk model returns a probability of failure (PoF) in quantitative terms i.e. failures per mile and year, regardless of the modelling basis. Quantitative results allow for quantifying the cost vs. benefit of preventive and mitigative measures (P&MMs). Additionally, with a real-time quantitative PoF, ILI anomalies that exceed your targeted reliability threshold can be identified and the ideal mitigative action understood.
Industry Calibrated
Models are calibrated to return results that reflect how each pipeline compares to those across the industry. The historical-based models are calibrated to produce failure rates relative to those implied by the PHMSA incident database.
Probabilistic Approach
All ILI-based threat models use a Monte-Carlo simulation to perform probabilistic calculations. This approach is widely recognized as the best-practice for risk-based decision making. The probability of failure is calculated by assessing the defects reported by the ILI, allowing for a direct connection between integrity actions and risk estimates
Enterprise Solution
Pipeline operators have real-time capabilities for assessing risk for each pipeline segment while monitoring the entire pipeline system through PowerBI dashboards. Additionally, operators can evaluate their performance against their own reliability thresholds as well as the industry.

The Business Value of Outstanding Risk Management
Importing, exporting, and manipulating data across multiple networks and software impedes your workflow and introduces errors. With CIM, all the data needed for advanced risk management is in one place—a secure, unified database. Plus, with the power of Azure cloud computing, it’s finally possible to use all your available data for quantitative probabilistic analytics, so you can be confident in the results.

OneBridge works with pipeline operators to develop data-driven integrity management solutions.
Contact us to learn more about our Cognitive Integrity Management® platform.