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We currently do not have a cloud strategy in place, does this mean we cannot use your software?

Absolutely not, we have helped operators in the same position as you with their digital transformation. In some instances, Cognitive Integrity Management® was the first solution that our customers have used in the cloud. Since we are an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) of Microsoft, the process is quite easy, and we support our customers at any stage of their digital transformation.

How does your solution differentiate from those available in the marketplace?

The fundamental difference between our platform and those available is that we incorporate machine learning and data science to normalize data as it is ingested, sequence through multiple algorithms, and provide business intelligence to guide organizations to the location of potential threats. Detailed analysis including pit-to-pit matching and interacting threats is possible with Cognitive Integrity Management®

How long have you been in operation?

Cognitive Integrity Management® has been generally available since January 2017. We now have over 150,000 miles loaded into the solution with over 300 engineers using the solution for their day-to-day management of their IMP, with new miles and users being added all the time.

Who are your customers?

Our customers range from large Fortune 500 companies including a supermajor to smaller pipeline operators as listed on our homepage. The solution and licensing model support any size of operator with all customers benefiting from the ongoing learning of our machine learning algorithms.

Can your solution handle the new MEGA rule?

Yes, we can help. The newly imposed MEGA rule can be supported by using technology to repurpose existing data from various siloed applications into a centralized data management tool. Through Cognitive Integrity Management®, operators will have enterprise level reporting and analysis across the entire integrity management business process which adheres to the requirements of keeping records reliable, traceable, verifiable and complete.

I know you say your system meets 192 and 195 but can I add our corporate conditions as well?

Absolutely, in addition to the what-if analyses based on 142-plus industry conditions from a growing, shared customer library, you’ll capture best practices and set the foundation for predictive maintenance. You’ll be able to identify time-dependent, mandatory conditions, including CFR 192 and 195. Further, our solution supports the ability to factor in customer specific features and criteria as we respect that each operator has unique conditions that then can be used by all our customers.

Over time we have used multiple vendors, and within those vendors we often use multiple technologies to inspect our pipe, how do you manage these diverse data types?

Our solution is vendor and tool agnostic, this means you can automatically classify ILI features that are tool and vendor agnostic with our Alias ingestion algorithm that has been trained on thousands on ILI pipe tallies. Finally, you can gain clarity into the true state of your pipeline.

My ILI vendor currently completes a run com for me, is this what you are doing?

We rely on the current and all historical runs to help gather insights from interacting threats and pattern detection, rather than relying on single data points. One step, pit-to-pit feature alignment across every assessment ever done on your pipeline system allows for unprecedented growth analysis over the life of each anomaly.

Your site talks about shared learning, what does that really mean?

Cognitive Integrity Management® can provide the true state of your entire pipeline system by analyzing all historical data in addition to new runs and repair data in a single view. Additionally, through machine learning, the solution is able to prioritize growth anomalies, patterns and dig sites using shared learning without actually sharing your data.

We constantly face audit sessions with both state and federal regulators, how can your system assist with that heavy workload?

Think of our system as a digital analyst that provides real-time reporting to help you stay ahead of internal and regulatory obligations. PHMSA Yearly Report, PHMSA Part F&G, and PHMSA Audit Scoping can be customized to your internal regulatory requirements. All of this is available at the push of a button often saving your integrity team months or even years of time.

My management is looking for additional reports, enterprise level and in a hurry, what type of reports can you provide?

Our solution includes hundreds of operational and C-Suite reports and dashboards, available in real-time. Whether you are looking for unity plots or regulatory compliance reporting our solution caters to reporting requirements throughout the integrity management process. As well, we utilize Microsoft’s Natural Q&A conversational language so you can ask ad-hoc questions on the fly and get intelligent answers back immediately.

We often have to generate custom reports, can I get access to the database to do that?

Our solution includes access to a read-only replicated version of the production database so you can build custom reports or use to incorporate into other business processes.

Of course our IT department and management are concerned about security, how do I know your platform is secure

Cognitive Integrity Management® runs on Microsoft Azure and it offers enterprise-grade reliability and, crucially, strong security with ISO 270001, ISO 27018 and CSA STAR Azure security compliance. Microsoft Azure has more certifications than any other cloud service provider and is the trusted choice for many major corporations and government agencies.

We have risk in one database, GIS in another, and NDE in a third application, how can we align this information faster?

Cognitive Integrity Management® is designed to integrate with a variety of independent systems and can be tailored at implementation to aggregate data relevant to integrity decision-making from multiple sources. Our suite of algorithms normalize and align these datasets in order to correlate them as necessary and leverage them in our analysis and business intelligence.

How do we engage if we already have a Microsoft Azure account?

That is great! We can work through your Microsoft Account Executive to ensure that the adoption of Cognitive Integrity Management® is as seamless as possible. Our team of experts will work with your IT department to ensure there is little disruption to your day to day operations.

While not all of our data is in GIS (PODS), we do keep segment level and above in GIS, do I need additional databases to manage my data?

While Cognitive Integrity Management® provides the greatest benefit when integrated with live and comprehensive data from an operators’ GIS system, the solution can also provide significant value with even limited GIS data. Engineers have the option of applying pipe properties, HCA information, tool tolerances, etc. from the ILI data where available or by providing the data manually in lieu of obtaining it from GIS.

Do you currently have a team in place to help us with setup and support?

Yes, we have an account team that are assigned to each customer to ensure that the deployment of Cognitive Integrity Management® goes as smooth as possible. We also send out regular communication on solution updates and documentation to ensure you are leveraging all the tools available in the solution.

How long does the setup of Cognitive Integrity Management™ take?

We operate under a “plug and play” methodology which means your team can be operational almost immediately. However, we recognize that some time is required to integrate Cognitive Integrity Management® into your existing business processes. Our team of Engineers determine requirements once onboarding begins.

Does your team help support integration into existing enterprise level systems?

Yes, Cognitive Integrity Management® is designed to integrate with a variety of enterprise data management systems and our team can work with you to tailor your implementation to meet your specific needs.