Professional Services
Our GIS analysts and pipeline integrity engineers have conducted analyses for over 82,000 miles of liquid and gas transmission pipelines – the equivalent of traversing the United States more than 27 times. We have also conducted analysis for hundreds of above ground storage tanks.
Integrity as a Service (IaaS) & Compliance Services
Our team will support your integrity management program with a combination of expertise and proprietary software tools. These bring the appropriate risk assessment approach that meets your business needs, compliance requirements and budget.
Assist operators in understanding their risk exposure by ranking assets through risk scores computed from a pipeline’s performance and design data.
- Applicable to gas and/or liquid pipelines, facilities and tanks.
- Qualitative and quantitative risk assessments per ASME B31.8S and API 1160.
- SCC susceptibility study, as part of the risk assessment or stand-alone.
- Determine PM&M’s based on risk assessment.
Determination of a spill’s ability to affect a HCA via direct, indirect, overland spread, direct watershed, indirect watershed, pool fire, and HVL dispersion per §195.450.
Gas HCA Analysis: determination of a gas pipeline’s consequence due to failure per §192.903 via Method 1: Class Location Analysis or Method 2: Calculating the Potential Impact Circle and identifying Identified Sites.
Moderate Consequence Area: Analysis conducted per CFR §192.3 (new Mega Rule classification.)
Class Location Study per CFR §192.5.
Perform valve placement studies for both gas and liquid pipelines per Code requirements.
- Gas pipelines: Rupture Mitigation Valve (RMV) study & risk analysis per CFR §192.935(c)
- Liquid pipelines: Emergency Flow Restricting Device (EFRD) study per CFR §195.452(i)(4)
Analyze and risk-rank assets based on calculated threat from interference per CFR §192.473.
Analysis based on recommendations from INGAA Criteria for Pipelines Co-Existing with Electric Power Lines FINAL Report No. 2015-04, published October 2014 and CEPA A/C Interference Guideline Final Report, published in June 2014.
Ingest and convert ILI data into a consistent format, aligning it with pipe/GIS data.
Identify repair conditions per applicable regulatory and company requirements.
Validation of ILI service provider performance, per API 1163 Level 1, 2 or 3 analyses.
Dig package that includes repair lists, dig sheets and kmz files.
By leveraging the CIM solution, inspection data can be efficiently ingested and aligned in minutes.
- Vendor agnostic corrosion matching: Pit-to-Pit alignment on 100% of the anomalies regardless of the ILI service provider
- Don’t miss areas of accelerated growth: Leverages machine learning and data science algorithms for greater matching accuracy and higher CGR resolution
- Regulatory reporting with ease: CIM’s embedded Power BI reporting provides a library of purpose-built CGR reports
Perform a comprehensive crack analysis per CFR §192.712(d): Calculate failure pressure using multiple models including Raju-Newman, log-secant, MAT-8 and modified MAT-8 models. Additionally, calculate crack growth (and remaining life) for:
- Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) using fixed growth (linear), pit-to-pit, and half-life calculation
- Cracks subject to fatigue growth using simplified fatigue analysis, crack-to-crack ILI and Pressure Cycle Fatigue Analysis (PCFA)
The PCFA Provides full fatigue and remaining life analysis of crack and crack-like flaws using rainflow counting via CIM to determine pressure cycling behavior at crack locations. Run a sensitivity study to investigate sensitivity of the analysis based on flaw size, location, toughness, and material properties.
Use machine learning to backfill integrity data gaps e.g. install year, coating type, wall thickness, coating condition, etc. to utilize in a risk assessment.
Regulatory plan creation i.e. O&M, IMP, etc.
Regulatory plan review, gap analysis, and updating, including comprehensive Mega Rule review and update.
Audit preparation.

OneBridge works with pipeline operators to develop data-driven integrity management solutions.
Contact us to learn more about our Cognitive Integrity Management® platform.