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Alignment and growth analysis in record time. An industry first!

By leveraging our pipeline integrity software platform - CIM,  in-line inspection (ILI) data can be efficiently ingested and aligned with previous ILI results and pipe data/GIS data provided from the client in minutes. To do so, CIM harnesses the power of machine learning and data science algorithms for greater anomaly matching accuracy between ILI reports. This ensures you don’t miss any areas of accelerated growth. Our comprehensive corrosion growth rate analysis provides: 


Pit-to-pit alignment on all anomalies across all ILI reports, regardless of the number of anomalies or difference in ILI service provider.


Corrosion growth rate, provided from a variety of growth rate models. 


Estimated future depth of anomalies to determine remaining life, fitness-for-service, and reinspection intervals. 


Comprehensive report describing the CGR process and outcomes, according to client specifications.  

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OneBridge works with pipeline operators to develop data-driven integrity management solutions.

Contact us to learn more about our Cognitive Integrity Management® platform.