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Here’s how we can help:


GIS Integration

Integrate with our GIS (PODS, etc.) agent and PODS / ILI alignment algorithm to automate data synchronization at a frequency you define.

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Correlate Features

Correlating and maintaining all features across in-line inspection (ILI), GIS, and repair data identifies interacting threats.

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Enterprise-wide Integration

Seamless integration into existing processes provides insight and tools to remedy any existing data discrepancies between GIS and integrity management.

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Quick Deployment

Plug and play simplicity means there’s no downtime during Cognitive Integrity Management start-up.

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Secure Microsoft Cloud

Leveraging the secure Microsoft cloud protects your information.

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C-Suite Reporting

Whether you are C-suite or operations, you can tap into shared learning from other pipeline operators. You’re automatically part of a greater community evolving the industry.

Remove silos across departments and have all engineering teams working from an integrated environment. This level of deep synchronization will enable your engineers to optimize assessment planning, integrity compliance, and dig management with no disruption to existing processes.

Solution Demo

Home Dashboard

Learn how to read, filter and drill down into data to gain insights about the state of your pipeline system.

Natural Q&A

Quickly pinpoint the information that you are looking for across your entire pipeline system.

Business Value

We appreciate the growing industry pressure to move toward zero pipeline failures. It is more important than ever before to have visibility into the state of pipeline assets at all levels and departments within an organization. Cognitive Integrity Management™ provides important data points on a single platform that is available to you when you need it. By leveraging a centralized platform, your team can rest assured that they are basing key business decisions on metrics being used company wide.

Start your Digital Transformation now


Join your peers.

Remove the data silos. Consolidate your data into a fully integrated enterprise platform so you can leverage the power of data science and machine learning to elevate your operations. Our customers have explicitly reduced their operating costs on their integrity systems by 55% on average and implicitly saved millions of dollars through the implementation of Cognitive Integrity Management™.