
Welcome - OneBridge Solutions

Written by OneBridge Solutions | Apr 3, 2022 4:00:00 AM

We have been heads down since completing the Microsoft Accelerator development sprint in June of 2016 and we have since focused on working with private preview customers to validate our machine learning algorithms against their “truth” data. We have all learned a lot from this process and are very pleased with the progress we have made.

We’re now getting ready to release our initial CIM (Cognitive Integrity Management™) SaaS solution for commercial use. We are updating and refreshing our website to reflect the progress we have made and incorporate more clarity around Cognitive Integrity Management™. We intend to add frequent blog postings to keep everyone up to date on our progress.

As an organization with SaaS solutions, we feel it is important to remain as transparent as possible. We view software as a form of art. It’s never quite done to the perfection we seek, but when we achieve significant milestones it’s important to deliver it to people who can use it to make a difference.

We met our first major milestone when we released version 1 of CIM for our private preview customers and we now have the underlying foundation necessary to scale and continue to evolve CIM to our ultimate vision – that is, to provide our solution that assists pipeline operators to predict pipeline failures.

We hope you will join us on this journey. Please feel free to leave a comment or send us feedback.